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burma educational scholarship trust, scotland
"ah bar deh: education as a means to both personal, cultural and community development, liberating the mind through freedom of thought and choice"

BEST wishes for 2005!

Last Christmas in Chiang Mai was very different to the commercial madness of the Scottish holidays. There, shopping meant the festive markets; muzak was Thai; canapés were crispy crickets and bamboo grubs with chilli and honey; wrapping up warm, meant wearing a cotton long-sleeved shirt of an evening! Being back has been very strange… it is a different world! "Peace on earth and goodwill" seem in short supply and the situation for Burma and those seeking refuge in Thailand is worsening.

Friends and family are so important, but so too is our relationship to the wider global community. The BEST thing we have done this Christmas is fund eight supplementary scholarships for refugee students studying at university in Asia. These young people have been selected for their proven commitment to peace, reconciliation and their determination to use their education and experience to rebuild Burma in the future by developing new skills, and emergent civil society and respect and mutual understanding in their beleaguered communities.

Our truly humbling experience as volunteers on placement with VSO has radically informed out personal perspectives and priorities and we now know first hand that as individuals our actions can make a difference.

To do something is powerful… rather than feeling powerless and therefore to do nothing. We know too that people do give generously to charities and campaigning organisations already, but there is no harm in asking. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

If you would like to consider helping us - you can donate using gift aid, as BEST (Burma Educational Scholarship Trust) is a charity registered in Scotland SC035082 and with the IRS for tax-free donations, CR56186.

This means, if you contact us and make a donation, we can claim back tax on any donation adding 28% to any amount donated. Stewart and I have established BEST as a Trust, along with my Dad, Pip Dundas - a producer with BBC Scotland - and Sarah Boyack MSP and with no administrative costs, all money raised goes to support educational projects, which meet the priorities, determined by the refugee communities themselves.

This New Year, rather than just sending cards, musical emails and presents, any donation you feel able and would like to make to BEST, through our Treasurer's account at BoS/Halifax Greenside Place Edinburgh: Ac. 00001905, sort code is 11-46-37, would be so welcome and would allow us to progress our work further.

BEST wishes for you and yours in the coming year!

Murray Forgie and Stewart Simpson




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Chiang Mai Festive Market
Funky 'Christmas' trees at the festive market in Chiang Mai, 2004