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.UNISON News July 2009


‘Modernising Pay’: Consultation Meetings

Dear colleagues,

You should all have received details by now from the Council highlighting how their proposals will impact on your base pay and explaining what other changes they wish to make to your Terms and Conditions.

This set of proposals comes after years of discussion with the Trade Unions with many changes to them along the way, however the proposals as they stand do fall some way short of our expectations, with many members losing financially and many others not getting the increase in their pay that we anticipated.

We now need to consult with all our members in order that we may reflect your views on all the proposals back to the Council with the aim of trying to further improve the package on offer.

We have arranged consultation meetings for which time off has been approved by the Council centrally and your local management should allow you to attend one of the meetings listed overleaf.

The range in times of the meetings should allow the majority of our members to attend if they wish to,we will also do our best to arrange ad hoc meetings if there is a demand for it.


We have been contacted by many members wishing to Appeal against their Grading, however the Council have said they will only accept appeals after implementation in April 2010.

Furthermore you will need to have sight of your Job Evaluation Score and how it was calculated in order to be able to appeal We have advised the Council that they need to issue those details to staff prior to April next year and preferably much sooner than that in order to give staff an opportunity to examine their score and prepare their appeal.

Finally we have requested that the trade unions and the Council develop a standard pro forma for the submission of appeals in order that the process can be as smooth as possible.


We are aware that our sister union Unite are currently balloting a limited number of their members for industrial action. However,UNISON has the largest trade union membership in the Council and as a result we have a diverse and widely spread membership of about 8,000 people.

Before any decisions are taken on balloting members on the proposals and /or industrial action we want to consult as widely as we can with all our members In addition we are still having the proposals analysed by UNISON's equalities experts.

However, UNISON has secured an agreement from the Council that, should there be strike action, our members who do not wish to cross any picket line at their workplace will not be disciplined but will be treated as if they were taking part in the strike and have their wages deducted accordingly.

Furthermore we would request that you do not carry out duties or responsibilities that are ordinarily carried out by a striking member of staff and if you encounter any difficulties with management in respect of this please contact your local steward or the Branch Office immediately.

Kevin Duguid Service
Conditions Co-ordinator
& Joint Employees Side Secretary

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