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Crunch time for Single Status Equal Pay and Conditions

John Mulgrew, Service Conditions Co-ordinator

We had expected to be balloting all Council staff on a single set of conditions and a new Pay & Grading Structure by now, however at the end of 2007 we seem to be as far away from this as we were at the end of 2006.

The Council did propose a new ten grade structure in the summer of 2007 however this was rejected by the Branch on the basis that we believed the grades were set too low resulting in large groups of membership suffering a pay cut and also that progression through grades was based on Performance Related Pay (PRP).

We start 2008 expecting that Council will present the Trade Unions with a further proposal for a Pay & Grading Structure at the end of January/early February. This along with a single set of conditions regarding working time payments will allow negotiations to commence in earnest.

Given the importance of this to the majority of our members this years report takes the form of a briefing on the process and how it will affect you. A further update be given at the AGM. Refinements continue to be made to the Job Evaluation Scheme and as a consequence the job evaluation scores of posts continue to change.

Due to this ever changing situation we have been unable to provide any detail to members on their job evaluation score however we expect to receive details of the final scores along with the proposed Grading Structure and we will advise members of the outcomes as soon as possible. There is a right of appeal if members believe their job has been incorrectly scored.

Pay & Grading Structure

It is likely that the Council will propose a structure of 12 grades. When a job is evaluated it would be given a number of points in a scoring system. This should mean that jobs are more fairly compared.

The ranges of points are then matched to grades that decide your pay. The proposal is there would be be no split grades as there are now (eg GS1/2 or AP1/2).

The Council are still keen that grades have a "bar point", or as they call it, competency point, within the grade, PRP determining progression beyond this.

With only "high performers" being allowed to advance beyond a set "bar point" (Council put this at 10 - 20% of staff) we must resist this as it really means the "bar point" will be the top of the grade for most members.

The outcome of Job Evaluation and the transfer to the new structure will result in the majority of members' earnings remaining largely unchanged but there will be groups of staff who will benefit and some who will potentially lose out. We will be working hard to minimise any downgradings.

Pay Protection

The National Single Status Agreement allows three years pay protection if people's earnings fall. This may impact in Edinburgh where we have better protection arrangements. The Council wants pay protected at existing earnings, meaning protected staff would not automatically get increments they might have been due under the current system nor will they get annual pay awards. Their pay will effectively be frozen.

Pay protection would continue for the three year period or would end earlier if the new grade "catches up" with existing earnings. Staff will transfer to the new grade at the end of the protection period.

Obviously some members could be facing substantial reductions in pay as a result of Job Evaluation and one of our priorities must be to keep these situations to an absolute minimum.

Equal Pay

The Branch is currently progressing about 2,000 Equal Pay Claims for Manual and APT&C members. These claims are at different stages of the process. Some of them are additional claims following the compromise agreement that Council offered to settle claims in 2006 but failed to meet the timescales.

Job Evaluation is designed to address Equal Pay by ensuring that jobs rated as equal or comparable receive the same pay. It is this principle that results in existing Bonus Schemes effectively breaching Equal Pay Legislation and Bonus may cease to exist once the new structure is in place.

Other Conditions

Alongside the new Pay & Grading Structure there will be a package that covers overtime rates, shift allowances, unsocial hours payments, standby and call out.

For those members who currently qualify for these payments the allowances in the Working Time Payments part of the package will be as critical to their new earnings as the Job Evaluation outcome.

We will consult as fully as possibly once negotiations on these matters get underway. Consultation As details come forward, the Branch will consult widely on these proposals as the package will undoubtedly affect different employment groups in different ways.

We will be asking UNISON's Equality Unit to check that the final package meets the principles of Equal Pay. The final package will affect you and your fellow members in different ways. For some, Job Evaluation and grading will be the major issue.

This will obviously be the case where wage levels are reduced. For others, who work non standard hours and those who regularly work overtime, the rate paid for this may be the major issue, particularly if the new proposed rates do not maintain existing earnings.

Whatever the individual issues the Council will be proposing the changes as a package and that is what you will ultimately be asked to decide on. At the end of the day it will be you, the members, who decide whether it is accepted or rejected by voting in a ballot.


The major focus of this report has been on corporate issues but rest assured Branch Officers will continue to provide advice, support and representation whenever members require it and will ensure that members' interests continue to be looked after during reviews, restructurings and the everyday matters of discipline and grievance.

For example the Branch is typically dealing with 300 ongoing cases for individual members at any particular time.

And Finally………

Thanks must be given to the long suffering Branch Support Staff, Eileen, Julie, Monica and Nicky who put up with a lot on our behalf and always manage to retain a smile and a sense of humour


John Mulgrew
John Mulgrew Coordinator

Kevin Duguid
Kevin Duguid Manual Convener

Agnes Petkevicius
Agnes Petkevicius
SC Officer

Alan Brown
Alan Brown
SC Officer

Irene Stout
Irene Stout
SC Officer

John Ross
John Ross APT&C Convenor

Wattie Weir
Wattie Weir Craft Convenor

Elaine Wishart
Elaine Wishart
SC Officer

Also on the Service Conditions Team: Secretary, Equalities Officers
Health & Safety
Chair, Presiden




Annual Report 2006