UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch





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Health & Safety

Fit for work, fit for life, fit for tomorrow

The past year has seen the Council review their H&S Policy and agree that it is essential that managers be trained in H&S standards. They are preparing an Action plan (Health Safety and Wellbeing) to promote and partake in the Health and Safety Executive programme over the next three years (2005-2006).

Whilst we welcome any step forward by Council in H&S it is hoped that the training will be on going and not just a one day wonder course.

As you know the new Council Headquarters is due to be completed by April 2006. Because the premises are not big enough to accommodate the staff at any one time all the talk as been of home-working hot desking etc and all the problems that arise from these. It is essential that staff inform their H&S rep or shop steward should you feel pressurised in any way.

Remember it is your duty and management's duty to ensure that you arrive and depart from work in good health Health and Safety Reps are an essential part of any work force and it is no different in this Council.

We are the watchdogs who chase management to correct faults and as such it is essential that we recruit more H&S Reps we can never have enough so why not contact the Branch to see if the job is one you are interested in?

My thanks go to all Health and Safety Representatives for their help during the past year, and to the office staff for all their hard work.

Tom McLeod
H&S Convenor
