UNISON City of Edinburgh Branch





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Asylum guidance for social work staff across UK

Local Government Conference backed Scotland's call for guidance for UNISON members across the UK who work with asylum seekers, based on the Scottish guide, "child's welfare paramount?"

This Scottish guide came from a call at Edinburgh's AGM two years ago and was jointly campaigned for with Aberdeenshire Branch. It was written by Edinburgh's John Stevenson, Aberdeenshire's Kate Ramsden and Ruth Stark from the British Association of Social Workers.

Kate Ramsden slammed the appalling practices of the immigration services and the inhumane way they treat asylum seeker families and their children. "We have been very clear that our members should not collude with such practices," she said.

"However, we believe that our members should provide a service to these vulnerable families as they would to any other."

The guide stresses the need to try to ensure asylum seeker children have the same rights and protection as any other child under Scotland's progressive childrens legislation.

Fringe meeting on social work issues

John Stevenson was one of the speakers as around 80 delegates from across the UK packed into the Scottish Fringe meeting to hear about the work of Scotland's Social Work Issues Group, with a focus both on the Direct Payments statement and the Asylum Guide.

See www.unison-scotland.org.uk/conf2007 for a full report on the fringe meeting.

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